
  • Nur Rohim


Nur Rohim, Lutfi Effendi, Agus Yulianto

Faculty of Law Universitas Brawijaya

Jl. MT. Haryono No. 169 Malang

e-mail: nurrohimcontact@gmail.com



Film dapat dipertunjukkan di layar lebar, televisi, dan jaringan teknologi informatika dengan kewajiban untuk memiliki Surat Tanda Lulus Sensor sebelum diedarkan dan/atau dipertunjukkan. Saat ini, belum ada mekanisme yang secara tegas mengatur penyensoran film di jaringan teknologi informatika. Ketidakjelasan pengaturan kewenangan sensor film di jaringan teknologi informatika mengindikasikan hambatan-hambatan dalam pembentukan peraturan. Penelitiаn yang menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konsep hukum ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis urgensi dan hambatan pengaturan sensor film di jaringan teknologi informatika. Berdasarkan penelitian penulis, urgensi pengaturan sensor film di jaringan teknologi informatika muncul akibat ketidakjelasan pengaturan sensor film di jaringan teknologi informatika sehingga Lembaga Sensor Film tidak dapat menjalankan fungsi perlindungan sebagaimana diamanatkan peraturan perundang-undangan. Diperlukan pengaturan sensor film yang dipertunjukkan di layar lebar, televisi, dan jaringan teknologi informatika sebagai bentuk perlindungan terhadap penonton serta menjadi dasar pengakuan dan batasan hak atas kemerdekaan berbicara dan berekspresi agar tidak melanggar hak orang lain. Pengaturan sensor film di jaringan teknologi informatika menemui faktor-faktor yang menghambat yakni potensi ancaman bagi proses kreatif pembuatan film dalam negeri dan tantangan normatif.

Kata kunci: film, sensor, jaringan teknologi informatika





Films can be shown on big screens, television, and information technology networks with the obligation to obtain a Censorship Pass Certificate before being circulated and/or shown. Currently, there is no mechanism that explicitly regulates film censorship in the information technology network. The unclear regulation of film censorship authority in the information technology network indicates obstacles in the formation of regulations. This research used normative juridical method which was conducted to identify and analyze the urgency and obstacles of film censorship regulation in the information technology network. Based on the author's research, the urgency of the regulation of film sensors in the information technology network arises due to the unclear regulation of film sensors in the information technology network so that the Film Censorship Institute cannot carry out the protection function as mandated by laws and regulations. It is necessary to regulate the censorship of films shown on big screens, television, and information technology networks as a form of protection for the audience as well as the basis for recognizing and limiting the rights to freedom of speech and expression so as not to violate the rights of others. The regulation of film censorship in the information technology network encounters inhibiting factors, namely potential threats to the creative process of domestic filmmaking and normative challenges. Keywords: film, censorship, information technology network



How to Cite

Rohim, N. (2022). URGENCY OF FILM CENSORSHIP REGULATIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NETWORKS. Brawijaya Law Student Journal. Retrieved from http://hukum.studentjournal.ub.ac.id/index.php/hukum/article/view/4599


