PEMBAGIAN WARIS ANTARA AHLI WARIS LAKI-LAKI DAN PEREMPUAN (Studi Masyarakat Adat Desa Ngadas, Kecamatan Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang)


  • Elysabeth Putri Dipauma


Elysabeth Putri Dipauma, Ratih Dheviana Puru H.T., Fitri Hidayat

Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Brawijaya




Pada jurnal ini mengangkat tentang pembagian waris antara ahli waris laki-laki dan perempuan pada masyarakat adat di desa ngadas. Pilihan tema tersebut dilatarbelakangi karena penulis menemukan bahwa adanya ketidaksamaan antara das sollen dan juga das sein. Dimana dalam skripsi ini Das Sollen ialah Hukum Waris Islam dan Das Sein ialah hukum waris adat di Desa Ngadas. Perbedaan yang dimaksud adalah dalam hal pembagian harta waris antara laki-laki dan perempuan, berdasarkan fokus pada penelitian ini adalah ahli waris baik laki-laki maupun perempuan yang beragama Islam. Dalam hukum adat kebiasaan masyarakat adat Desa Ngadas, mereka membagi harta warisnya dengan sama rata. Pembagian harta waris sama rata ini berlaku untuk semua agama di Desa Ngadas, sedangkan menurut hukum waris islam pembagian harta waris antara laki-laki dan perempuan adalah 1:2 berdasarkan pada Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Penelitiаn ini merupаkаn penelitiаn hukum empiris dengаn mengunаkаn metode pendekаtаn yuridis sosiologis. Menggunakan Jenis dan Sumber Data primer dan sekunder, serta hasil dari wawancara dengan Hakim yаng diperoleh peneliti аkаn diаnаlisis dengаn menggunаkаn studi kepustakaan dan studi dokumentasi. Selаin itu jugа menggunаkаn teknik analisis deskriptif, yaitu dengan cara memaparkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap objek penelitian dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dengan metode diatas, penulis menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada bahwa masyarakat adat di Desa Ngadas memiliki cara tersendiri dalam pembagian warisnya. Penyeleseian sengketa pembagian waris yang terjadi pada masyarakat adat di Desa Ngadas hanya menggunakan hukum adat Ngadas. Dan peneliti menemukan fakta bahwa penyeleseian sengketa waris bila terjadi ketidaksepakatan antara ahli waris laki-laki dan perempuan yang beragama Islam ialah menggunakan jalan musyawarah adat dengan didampingi oleh Dewan Adat.

Kata Kunci: Pembagian Waris, Masyarakat Adat, Penyeleseian Sengketa Waris



This research studies the inheritance distribution to an heir and heiress in Adat community of Ngadas since there have been differences between das sollen representing Islamic Inheritance Law and das sein representing Adat law in Ngadas Village. Both the heir and heiress discussed in this case are Moslems. People of Ngadas pass their asset as inheritance equally to heir and heiress, and it applies to all religions in Ngadas village. However, according to Islamic law, the distribution of inheritance to heir and heiress represents 1:2 according to Islamic Law Compilation. This is an empirical research with socio-juridical method. The research data involved both primary and secondary materials and the results obtained from an interview with a judge. The research analysis involved both library research and documentation. All the data was further analysed in descriptive scope by elaborating the research results with qualitative approach. The research reveals that the people of Ngadas village have their own way of distributing their inherited asset, while dispute resolution regarding this inheritance distribution is performed based on the Adat law living in Ngadas community. When the dispute arises between a Moslem heir and heiress in the distribution of the inheritance, deliberation of Adat community with the involvement of Adat council needs to take place.

Keywords: inheritance distribution, Adat community, inheritance dispute resolution


This research studies the inheritance distribution to an heir and heiress in Adat community of Ngadas since there have been differences between das sollen representing Islamic Inheritance Law and das sein representing Adat law in Ngadas Village. Both the heir and heiress discussed in this case are Moslems. People of Ngadas pass their asset as inheritance equally to heir and heiress, and it applies to all religions in Ngadas village. However, according to Islamic law, the distribution of inheritance to heir and heiress represents 1:2 according to Islamic Law Compilation. This is an empirical research with socio-juridical method. The research data involved both primary and secondary materials and the results obtained from an interview with a judge. The research analysis involved both library research and documentation. All the data was further analysed in descriptive scope by elaborating the research results with qualitative approach. The research reveals that the people of Ngadas village have their own way of distributing their inherited asset, while dispute resolution regarding this inheritance distribution is performed based on the Adat law living in Ngadas community. When the dispute arises between a Moslem heir and heiress in the distribution of the inheritance, deliberation of Adat community with the involvement of Adat council needs to take place.


Keywords: inheritance distribution, Adat community, inheritance dispute resolution



How to Cite

Dipauma, E. P. (2021). PEMBAGIAN WARIS ANTARA AHLI WARIS LAKI-LAKI DAN PEREMPUAN (Studi Masyarakat Adat Desa Ngadas, Kecamatan Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang). Brawijaya Law Student Journal. Retrieved from


